


is committed to support our customers during

the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.



            In this situation, we cannot stay away. To unite, to support those who need it, to protect against the disease is the least we can do.


            A serious problem faced by many countries in the fight against the spread of coronavirus is the lack of personal protective equipment that is necessary to protect yourself and others from infection and transmission. Over the past two weeks, Mutrade has been sending parcels with wishes of good health to our customers, and we hope that our contribution will facilitate the maintenance of the strict regime introduced in many countries to fight against the pandemic.

            Despite the fact that there are no cases of infection through sent items in the world, some countries have stopped processing international parcels and it is currently not possible to deliver items there. In our turn, we have met all the necessary conditions for the masks to reach the recipients as soon as possible and we continue to monitor the situation.


By far, the best way to fight coronavirus is isolation. If possible, do not leave your apartment, and exclude contacts with other people.

Wash your hands, go to the store in a mask and try not to touch your face with dirty hands. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!